What to Expect at a night vision toastmasters Meeting

Whether you want to hone your presentation skills for school, work or social events — or learn how to be an amazing storyteller — our club is the place for you!

There’s nothing quite like the safe and supportive environment of a Night Vision Toastmasters meeting to help develop your ability to prepare strong material and speak off the cuff.

A typical Toastmasters meeting

How we roll

Our meetings run every Thursday from 7 pm to 9 pm in two parts. Prepared speeches, workshops and education sessions are in the first half, and Table Topics (impromptu speeches) in the second half. Each meeting is lead by one of our members in the role of Toastmaster.

First half

In the first half of the meeting, the Toastmaster introduces the theme of the evening with a prepared talk on the subject, and several members are invited to present their roles that help keep the meeting running smoothly and on time.

We then move on to the prepared speeches from up to three of our members. Each speech usually runs 5 to 7 minutes in length, and cover a wide range of topics based on the individual’s specific Toastmaster Int. Pathway goal. Speeches are often funny, informative, inspirational and moving. The speeches are then evaluated by a member of the club, offering all members an opportunity to learn and grow. 

We then break for a brief intermission. This is an ideal time to chat and get to know one another.

second half

The Toastmaster continues their prepared talk, expanding on the theme of the evening. 

Members are then given the chance to deliver an impromptu speech in our Table Topics Session. These speeches are normally 2 minutes in length, providing the opportunity for members to confidently practice speaking off-the-cuff. All guests are invited to participate in Table Topics if they so choose. 

A member of the club will then give a brief evaluation of each impromptu speech, offering valuable feedback that helps all members. We then select our favourite impromptu speech of the night! 

Rounding out the second half is an evaluation, often by an advanced member of the club, of anyone with a speaking role who hasn’t already been evaluated during the evening. This is another opportunity for all members to witness the art of positive and constructive feedback. 

The meeting then closes with any club business, including welcoming new members!

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