What We're About
As a friendly and decidedly unstuffy club, Night Vision Toastmasters provides the opportunity for our diverse membership to regularly get together to support one another in the development of our speaking and leadership skills.
Each weekly Thursday evening meeting is two hours, with a short break in the middle to chat, make new friends, and ask questions. Both prepared speeches and impromptu speaking opportunities are normally part of the agenda, along with helpful evaluations. We also often have short workshops and host superb guest speakers.
Our current members are a wonderful mix of people from all backgrounds, supporting each other in their growth with intelligence, kindness, and humour.
Every year, our club nominates members and holds elections, offering our members the opportunity to grow their leadership skills as part of the Night Vision Toastmasters Executive Team.
Members holding posts on our Executive Team for July 2023 to July 2024 are:
President: Christine Harris
Immediate Past President: David Melles
Responsible for guiding and general operation of the club, presiding at club meetings, building ties with other club and setting club goals.
VP Education: Tomomi Nakae
Manages education programs, ensures members are progressing toward their goals, schedules meeting roles and assigns mentors.
VP Membership: Sanjana Bal
Works to sustain and increase membership, welcomes new members, ensuring they get an orientation and explanation of how the club works.
VP Public Relations/Webmaster: Somtirtha Roy
In charge of our communication internally and externally. Promotes the club through use of our social media accounts.
Secretary: Fernanda Hurtado
Manages club records and administration details, as well as recording minutes for executive meetings.
Treasurer: Jaswant Singh
Manages the finances of the club, collecting club dues and paying our bills.
Sergeant at Arms: Ethan Wong
Responsible for the club’s meeting facilities and equipment and supplies.